Introduction to JDMarketingNV

Hi, I’m Jacqueline Del Soldato (formerly Lampson) the founder of JDMarketingNV. I graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2011 with a Bachelor’s of Art degree in Art History and have been blessed with the knack for marketing.

Shortly after college, Real Estate marketing fell into my lap after I took a job as a broker’s assistant. I discovered a passion in Real Estate with an interest in architecture. I’ve marketed a range of price points from bank owned homes during the recession to multi-million dollar homes in an exclusive Northern Nevada gated community.  

The nonprofit sector has always been close to my heart and I have marketed multiple organizations in different fields from the arts to Habitat for Humanity. I know how to limit the spending on a finite, minimal budget. 

In 2020 when COVID-19 hit, I was laid off from my job and began developing the foundation of this business. I opened with an Instagram page giving fundamental marketing tips and word spread that I was available for marketing assistance. (@jdmarketingnv)

Tune into this blog for marketing tips and research, fun events happening in the area and shoutouts to businesses I love!